Because we are literally buying this stairway. Been rather busy of late, so 11 days without a post. Appliances have been calling. Or Jubi and Rob from Wall to Wall Cabinets, wondering why they don’t have appliance specs so that the trades can do their job.
Temporary stairs are now where the real stairs will go. Takes a real mental effort not to walk over the edge where the stairs used to be. Haven’t gone out the Moon Door yet.
Encroaching Metal. Had to use that adjective to describe Metal!
The stairs to the basement are the real deal. They will be clad and stringers added, but this is the skeleton, so to speak.
I find this doorway works better without stairs running in front of them. Added bonus, less chance to smack my head on something. I’ve found other things to ring my bell on.
And He’s Sheeting His Mechanical Room . . . For Heaven. Lesser know Led Zep lyrics. The psychedelic patterns might also make this the “trip out” room.