Getting good at cutting weird shaped sheets of plywood with a circular saw. Learning the importance of a chalk line at the same time. Wish I tried harder (or at all) at high school math.
Sheeted dormer action.
Sure was fun moving that plank into position. Definitely a precarious position walking that plank.
Classy neighbourhood. Can’t wait to get the dead fridges and beater cars up on blocks in the front yard as well.
Looking kinda castle like on this side. Needs a moat with rabid marmots.
That’s a big wall. Wondering if we should put an interior window in here to look down into the living room.
View of 2008 Westbank fire damage on Goat’s Peak.
A beautiful view of the truck and commode. Looking from bedroom closet area.
At this point in my life, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, getting to work on our own beautiful house.