Chinook Me All Night Long
I think that wins for one of the worst puns ever. Anyways, we went from -20º C last week to +5º C this week. Not one of my favourite days. Not only was I working in -10º C cold, but I tried to beat up a pry bar with my face. Picked the wrong battle […]

An Excessive Amount of Photos
Below are 25 photos of where we are now in The Build. Why so many? Why strain the patience of my friends & family? Because I used my camera (Panasonic DMC-LX7 – few years old but pretty good point & shoot) rather than my phone. They look way better with a Leica lens, and can […]

Starting To Look Like a House
Missed adding photos last week. Very sad news. My brother in law, Bill passed away last week. He was the biggest fan of this site, and wanted badly to see our house’s progress while in the hospital. I wish he could be around to see the house in it’s finished state. I was able to […]

Leaps & Bounds
We had to leave town for a few days. Here are a lot of updates in a gallery. Framing at a fast and furious pace.

Fill Me Up
Time to fill the hole. Had to go with a quote from the movie “Election” but won’t elaborate any more on the meaning of the phrase since it’s not family friendly. This building is an old (obviously) blacksmith shop on Flying Horse Farm that is across from the Gellatly nut farm. It looks like it […]

Buildus Interruptus
Well, it got cold. Real cold. Like -11 below. Real hard to work productively in that temp. You make mistakes when it’s cold and windy as well. Like using an angle grinder to saw off bolts with one hand while holding the home wrap madly flapping against the house. And having it get away on […]